Friday, May 16, 2008

Carpet Of Color

So lets see... This photo is one of my favorites. It was taken in Little Cottonwood Canyon in Utah last November. LCC is famous for it's recreation, particularly rock climbing. I absolutely love climbing; so much so that on a rainy day when the rocks are wet and you can't climb I can sometimes be found out there at least scrambling around on whatever I can stick to. Luckily I had my camera with me this time...

Carpet Of Color

It was a rainy Sunday afternoon (anybody else feel like that sounds like the beginnings of a ghost story?) and it was fall, so climbing season was about to be stomped on by some winter snow. I was out in the LCC trying to get my last doses of pebble wrestling in before that happened.

I drove up the canyon and parked when the vibe felt right (it vibed at about a quarter mile up), got out of the car, threw on the GorTex ProShell, grabbed the pack and headed for Up. I was having a blast trudging up the side of the mountain hitting trees to see how much water could fall on me and still come out perfectly dry, I love my GorTex. Ok so that fun only lasted for so long... Halfway up the side of the mountain I start seeing some good boulders, a few the size of houses. In fact there's a boulder up there where you can fit an entire house under the overhang of the boulder. I would not want to be in the way of that thing as it came down. The next few hours are a blur of color and euphoria as I display my rock ninja skills for all the wildlife to see (more like laugh) so I can't really tell you what happened. But somewhere in all that scrambling I managed to capture this beauty. Good times!

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