Sunday, February 7, 2010


Decided to take a little snowshoeing journey up Little Cottonwood Canyon before all the snow melted.


Thomas said...

Hey David,
was looking for an old colleague of mine with the same name as yours on linkedIn. Followed link to blog. OMG! I think this is really unfair of you! How can you post such beautiful pictures, for poor creatures like myslef, who are stuck in a flat place (FL), but would love to be somewhere like you are! ;)
Gorgeous pictures! Shows this world as the paradise it is!
Thank you for sharing these pictures and the little stories...

David Maybury said...

Thank you Thomas, I'm glad you like the photos :) I love spending time in the outdoors climbing, hiking, camping, and finding extreme environments. In so doing I often get to see things and get points of view a lot of people miss out on so I like to share them. I'm glad somebody finds them enjoyable.